目的 :为了评价重复经纤维支气管镜肺活检对弥漫性或局限性肺病变的诊断价值。方法 :回顾分析了我院 1992年 1月~ 2 0 0 0年 6月 31例重复纤维支气管镜肺活检 (TBLB)患者的临床资料。结果 :重复TBLB一次诊断成功率为 74.2 %,弥漫性粟粒病灶或结节状阴影阳性率可达 91%。未见严重并发症。结论 :在肺结核的诊断和鉴别诊断中 ,重复TBLB很有帮助。重复一次可基本满足需要 ;弥漫性病变应首先考虑采用TBLB ,对活检钳无法接触到的周围性病变 ,TBLB诊断价值有限。应采用其他方式确诊。
OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the diagnostic value of repeat bronchoscopic lung biopsy for diffuse or localized pulmonary lesions. Methods: The clinical data of 31 patients with repeat bronchofibroscopic lung biopsy (TBLB) in our hospital from January 1992 to June 2004 were retrospectively analyzed. Results: The success rate of one diagnosis of repeat TBLB was 74.2%, and the positive rate of diffuse miliary lesions or nodular shadows was 91%. No serious complications. Conclusion: Repeated TBLB is helpful in the diagnosis and differential diagnosis of tuberculosis. Repeat once to meet the basic needs of diffuse lesions should first consider the use of TBLB biopsy forceps can not be exposed to peripheral lesions, TBLB diagnostic value is limited. Should be confirmed by other means.