
来源 :满族研究 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:peiyhpyh
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一九八三年三月中旬至四月上旬,北京市民委民族处的几位同志和我们对位于北京西郊的火器营进行了短期调查。这次调查的目的,是了解北京市少数民族散杂居地区的教育情况。但在调查中,我们发现火器营的过去和现在以及火器营满族群众本身具有的民族特点和反映出来的一些问题,对于民族研究工作提供了很丰富的内容,提出了一些新问题。为此,本文就我们所了解到的,向大家作一综合性的介绍。 一 火器营简单的历史沿革及满族群众的过去 西郊火器营清代称为“外火器营”,是从火器营分出来的。乾隆三十五年(1770年),管理八旗火器营事务的蒙古都统色布腾巴勒珠尔奏请将满洲八旗火器营官兵集中居住,以便操演。乾隆三十八年(1773)在西郊长河西岸兰靛厂处,建外火器营营房,命令满洲火器营 From mid-March to early April 1983, several comrades at the ethnic district of Beijing Municipality and we conducted a short-term investigation of the firearm camp in the western suburbs of Beijing. The purpose of this survey is to understand the education of ethnic minorities inhabited by Beijing. However, during the investigation, we found that the firearm camp’s past and present as well as the ethnic characteristics of the Manchu minority in the firearm camp itself and some of the problems reflected in it provide a wealth of content for the nation’s research work and put forward some new problems. To this end, this article as we have learned, to make a comprehensive introduction to everyone. A brief history of a firearm camp and the past history of the Manchu masses The Qing Dynasty in the western suburbs of firearms called the “outer firearm camp” is divided from the firearm camp. Thirty-five years of Qianlong (1770), the Mongol Tongdu Bintulu Baer, ​​who manages the eight-legged firearms business, will invite the officers and soldiers of Manchu Banner Firearms to live in concentration for performance. Thirty-eight years of Qianlong (1773) in the western suburbs of the West Bank Chang indigo factory office building firearms barracks, fire command Manchurian camp
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