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美国传教士林乐知的《全地五大洲女俗通考》介绍了自古至今全球妇女的风俗及生活状况,并与中国女俗相比较,旨在说明衡量国家文明教化的标准是妇女解放的程度;中国要富强,需通过阪依基督教提升妇女地位、振兴女学。这部书是较早引介妇女解放思想并对时人产生重大影响的一部力作,它推动了中国近代妇女的解放进程。本文从三个视角分析解读这部编著:即原文视角、编者视角和读者视角,读者视角又分为时人视角和今日读者视角,后者即笔者从语言文学和历史学相结合的角度,对这部书所作的解读。 The American missionary Lin Lezhi’s “Female Customs Examinations on Five Continents of the Whole World” introduced the customs and living conditions of the world’s women since ancient times and compared with the Chinese female custom to illustrate that the measure of the standardization of national civilizations is the liberation of women To be prosperous, China needs to promote women’s status and promote women’s studies through Christianity. This book is an early introduction of women’s emancipation of the mind and have a significant impact on the time of a masterpiece, it promoted the process of modern Chinese women’s liberation. This article analyzes and interprets this compilation from three perspectives: the original text perspective, the editorial perspective and the reader perspective. The reader perspective is divided into the horizons of today and the reader perspective of today. The latter, from the angle of the combination of language and literature and history, Interpretation of this book.