1990~1992年对江苏东海县100例EHF 病人进行病例对照调查,应用配对分析、分层分析与Logistic 回归分析。结果表明:在野鼠型EHF 疫区鼠人间传播因素中,以皮肤破损,直接接触鼠类,疫区野外劳动史,往宅鼠患、养猫和养狗为主要危险因素。
From 1990 to 1992, 100 cases of EHF in Donghai County of Jiangsu Province were investigated by case-control analysis. The results of paired analysis, stratified analysis and Logistic regression analysis were used. The results showed that the main risk factors were the skin damage, direct contact with rodents, the field labor history in the outbreak area, domestic rats, domestic cats and dogs raised in the field.