新华社印务:转型升级 事在人为

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各印刷企业的条件和情况不同,但面临的市场和改革内容是相同的。如何适应市场的变化,需要企业从各自的实际出发调整步伐,走适合自己的发展道路。近年来,新华社印务有限责任公司(以下简称“新华社印务”)针对传统印刷业不景气、报纸印量断崖式下滑的实际情况,积极实施转型升级战略,进行公司化改制,建立现代企业制度,调整产业结构,转变生产方式,延伸产业链,多元化发展,开拓创新,励精图治,企业经营收入连续6年逆势增长,2016年经营总收入同比增长1.3 The conditions and circumstances of the printing enterprises are different, but the market and the reform they face are the same. How to adapt to the changes in the market requires enterprises to adjust their paces from their own reality and take their own development path. In recent years, Xinhua News Agency Printing Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as “Xinhua News Agency Printing”) aimed at the actual situation of the traditional printing industry downturn and the escalation of newspaper volume cliff-climbing, and actively implemented the strategy of restructuring and upgrading, Establish a modern enterprise system, adjust the industrial structure, change the mode of production, extend the industrial chain, diversify development, pioneer and innovate, exert every effort to achieve good results. The operating income of the company has contrarian growth for 6 consecutive years. Total operating income in 2016 increased by 1.3%