李鸿章 垂暮帝国的“糊裱匠”

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19世纪末,在那场鲜为国人知的万国运动会上,第一次出现了中国人的身影。当时,积弱的大清国除了一腔对未知事物的热情、一位穿着御赐黄马褂的领队、一支由邮差组成的运动员队伍,连一首像样的国歌都没有。当一个名叫马荣的中国人,借助被甩到头前的长辫子的“帮助”(按照比赛规则,身体的任何一部分最先接触到终点线,即算胜出。而辫子,被当时的外国裁判视为中国运动员的秘密武器),率先撞线,并站到冠军领奖台的时候,中国代表团甚至找不到一面用于颁奖仪式的黄龙旗。万般无奈,领队只好脱下身上的黄马褂,权作黄龙旗,才算含糊过去。外国人的嘲笑声此起彼伏,在偌大的体育场内显得格外刺耳。忽然,一位老人的歌声在会场响起。他的声音既不清脆,也不高亢,还略显浑浊和孤独。那是一首来自中国安徽的民间小调《茉莉花》。再没了嘲笑声,沉寂片刻过后,是一阵经久 At the end of the 19th century, for the first time at the Wan National Games, which was rarely known to the public, there was a Chinese figure. At that time, the weak Qing Dynasty in addition to a chamber of passion for unknown things, a leader wearing a yellow jacket, a postman composed of athletes, even a decent national anthem did not. When a Chinese named Ma Rong, with the help of the long braid thrown to the front (according to the rules of the game, any part of the body first came into contact with the finish line) Foreign judges as Chinese athletes secret weapon), the first hit the line and stand to the championship podium, the Chinese delegation can not even find a banner for the award ceremony Huanglong Banner. Helpless, the leader had to take off the body of the yellow jacket, the power of the dragon flag, be considered vague in the past. Laughs foreigners one after another in the huge stadium is particularly harsh. Suddenly, an old man’s voice sounded in the hall. His voice was neither crisp nor high-pitched, but it was still muddy and lonely. That is a folk jacquard “jasmine” from Anhui, China. No more ridicule, silence after a while, is a burst of time
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