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河北省昌黎县创造的产、运、销“一条龙”大协作的经验,是挖掘运输潜力的一个好办法。他们把工业、商业、粮食和铁路、公路、搬运拧成一股绳,通过六个部门的“六合一”联合办公,将托运单位和长途、短途运输,近代化和民间运输工具,专业运输部门和群众性的运输队伍紧密衔接起来,有计划地合理地组织运输力量,把生产和销售等部门更好地联系起来,保证了运输的计划性、准确性和均衡性,从而加速了货物和车船的周转。1959年1至8月份公路运量此1958年同期增长144.41%,铁路运量比去年同期增长80%。同时,运输工具的潜力也大大发挥了。汽车、马车的利用率提高了20%,小车实载率也提高了40%,这是当前运输战线上贯彻建设社会主义总路线的一项重大创造,它已经突破了运输部门与生产部门单一的协作范围,开辟了运输部门之间,运输部门与 Changli County, Hebei Province to create production, transportation and marketing “one-stop” large collaborative experience is to tap the potential of transport a good way. They have put together industrial, commercial, food and railroads, highways and porters in a single line. Through the joint “six in one” office of the six departments, they put the consignment units and long-distance and short-distance transport, modernization and civil transport, the specialized transport sector and Mass transport teams are closely linked to organize the transport forces in a planned and reasonable manner to better link the production and sales departments and ensure the planning, accuracy and balance of the transport so as to speed up the transport of goods and vessels turnover. From January to August 1959, the road traffic volume increased by 144.41% over the same period in 1958 and the railway traffic volume increased by 80% over the same period of last year. At the same time, the potential of transport has also been greatly enhanced. The utilization rate of automobiles and wagons has increased by 20% and that of vehicles increased by 40%. This is a major achievement in implementing the general line for building socialism on the current transport front and has already broken through the single cooperation between the transportation sector and the production sector Range, opened up the transport sector, the transport sector and
应用滴灌栽培技水进行蔬菜保护地生产,具有节水、增收、供应期长等特点,值得在菜区大力推广应用。现将四季青乡近几年来温室春番茄滴灌丰产栽培技术介绍如下: (1)育苗适宜的