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以津新密刺黄瓜为试材 ,研究日光温室秋冬、冬春两个茬口温室内光温环境以及黄瓜对 N、 P、 K的吸收规律。结果表明 :温室内光温环境冬春茬较秋冬茬更符合黄瓜生育的要求。随生育进程 ,黄瓜冬春茬根体积增加较快、根系活力变化呈单峰曲线 ,秋冬茬根体积增加缓慢、根系活力逐步下降 ;植株全 N、P2 O5和 K2 O的吸收速率 ,冬春茬呈增加趋势 ,秋冬茬苗期较低、初花期达最高、结瓜期逐步下降。植株吸收全 N、 P2 O5和K2 O的比例 ,不同茬口不同生育阶段有变化。每 667m2 全生育期黄瓜全 N、 P2 O5和 K2 O吸收量 ,冬春茬依次为 1 2 .96、 1 3 .99和 3 6.43 kg,秋冬茬为 3 .5 6、 2 .64和 8.3 9kg。不同茬口不同生育阶段全 N、P2 O5、K2 O吸收量占总吸收量的比例有变化 ,冬春茬结瓜期占 90 %以上 ,初瓜、盛瓜和末瓜期分别约占总吸收量的 2 2 %、 5 5 %和 1 3 % ;秋冬茬结瓜期占 70 %左右 ,初瓜、盛瓜和末瓜期分别为 3 2 %、 3 0 %和 1 0 %。还分析了引起养分吸收差异的原因 ,并对依据植株生长环境和生育阶段调整养分的供给进行了讨论 The experiment was conducted to study the light and temperature environment and the absorption of N, P and K in cucumber in autumn and winter, winter and spring stubble greenhouse in Jinxin fresh-cucumber. The results showed that the light and temperature environment in spring and winter in winter and spring than the autumn and winter stubble more in line with the requirements of cucumber. With root growth, the root volume of winter and spring cucumbers increased rapidly, the root activity showed a single peak curve, the root volume of autumn and winter increased slowly, and the root activity decreased gradually. The absorption rate of plant N, P2 O5 and K2 O, Showed an increasing trend, autumn and winter stubble seedling stage is low, the highest flowering stage, fruiting stage gradually declined. Plants absorb all N, P2 O5 and K2 O ratio, different stubble at different stages of growth have changed. The total N, P2 O5 and K2 O uptake of cucumber per 667m2 whole-growth period were 12.96 and 13.39 and 3 6.43 kg in winter and spring, and 3.56 and 2.64 and 8.39 kg in autumn and winter, respectively . The proportions of total N, P2O5, K2O uptake in different stages of crop growth varied with the total uptake. The winter-spring stubble formation accounted for more than 90% 20%, 55% and 13% respectively. The autumn and winter stubble period accounted for about 70%, while the initial melon, melon and melon were 32%, 30% and 10% respectively. The reasons for differences in nutrient absorption were also analyzed, and the supply of nutrients adjusted according to plant growth environment and growth stage was discussed
目的虫卵可溶性抗原(soluble egg antigen,SEA)是目前日本血吸虫病免疫诊断中最常用的抗原。本研究联合应用双向凝胶电泳(2-DE)、Western blot和MALDI-TOF质谱等技术,鉴定SEA中诊
【正】 新疆地处祖国的西北边陲,面积160多万平方公里,约占全国土地面积的六分之一,是我国面积最大的省区。区内自然条件千差万别,山地面积占全区面积的一半以上。从新疆整体
目的 探讨宫腔粘连的病因。方法 分析95例宫腔粘连患者的发病病因;将末次妊娠为稽留流产患者41例设为研究组,末次妊娠为主动人工流产患者28例为对照组,分析两组患者宫腔粘连