
来源 :河南城建学院学报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:sakurzhe
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对4个构件进行了低周反向反复荷载作用下的数值分析,对现浇空心楼盖板柱增强节点的荷载-位移滞回曲线、骨架曲线、耗能能力和刚度退化进行了系统的分析研究。结果表明:沿着板长边布置空心管能够承受更大的承载力,滞回曲线更为饱满,刚度退化缓慢,说明沿板长边布置空心管的受力性能和抗震性能均比沿垂直板长边布置空心管好;在板柱节点添加型钢剪力架能显著提高构件的承载力,但是耗能能力降低;配置弯起钢筋对提高板柱节点抗震性能的作用不明显。 The numerical analysis of four members subjected to low reverse reversed loading is carried out. The load-displacement hysteresis curve, the skeleton curve, the energy dissipation capacity and the stiffness degradation of the reinforced-site of the slab-slab column are analyzed systematically the study. The results show that the hollow tube can bear larger bearing capacity along the long side of the plate, the hysteresis curve is more full and the stiffness degenerates slowly, which shows that the mechanical properties and the seismic performance of the hollow tube along the long side of the plate are lower than that of the hollow plate along the vertical plate Longitudinal edge arrangement of hollow tube is good. Addition of steel shear frame at column node can significantly improve the bearing capacity of members, but the energy dissipation ability is reduced. The effect of bending steel reinforcement on improving the seismic performance of slab-column joints is not obvious.
<医疗机构制剂配制质量管理规范>(Good Preparation Practice,GPP),是国家食品药品监督管理局在<药品生产质量管理规范>GMP)的基础上制定的,可以说是适合医院制剂特点的GMP,
三明,群山绵延,四季常青,微风过处,涛声四起,极目远眺,翠盈眼帘;地貌多姿,山川秀美。有被称为“丹霞共长天”世界地质公园:有物种丰富、古木参天的国家级森林公园,有被誉为“千古之谜”,将人类在福建生活的历史推至18万年前的万寿岩……  这里地处闽江上源,境内沙溪、金溪、尤溪为闽江的干支流,流域面积22405平方公里,占全市土地总面积的97.6%,林地面积2841.8万亩,占土地总面积的82.5%,森
目的:寻找一种临床治疗便秘的安全可靠的药物 .方法:引进新药福松治疗习惯性便秘,对临床症状、大便性状以及停药后症状复现等方面进行观察,并与通便灵治疗作对照.结果:该药物