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八年间,四城市通过多层次、多渠道、多形式的帮扶,在经济协作、科教扶贫、智力扶贫、交通扶贫、卫生扶贫、劳务输出、干部培训、开拓国内国际市场等方面,为贵州做了大量艰苦细致的工作,为贵州贫困地区经济社会的发展作出了积极贡献。 In the past eight years, the four cities have done a lot of work for Guizhou through economic cooperation, poverty alleviation through science and education, poverty alleviation through poverty alleviation, transport poverty alleviation, health poverty alleviation, labor export, cadre training and domestic and international market expansion through multi-level, multi-channel and multi- A great deal of arduous and meticulous work has made a positive contribution to the economic and social development in poverty-stricken areas in Guizhou.
It has been shown that clock distribution networks(CDNs)are becoming increasingly vulnerable to transient faults known as single event transients(SETs),owing to
随着检测手段的不断完善 ,越来越多的肾癌患者被临床发现。而传统的外科手术治疗并不能对所有患者取得良好疗效。化疗放疗等也不敏感。免疫治疗作为一种特殊治疗手段已倍受关
20 0 2年 10月 2 4日在上海成功举办了“首届EDM用石墨市场暨技术交流会” ,这是中国首次举办有关电火花加工用石墨应用专题讨论会 ,由上海东洋炭素有限公司承办 ,国内石墨制造
本文从语法功能和语义功能出发,论述维吾尔语bar-“去”在不同时期的使用情况及其语法化过程。 Based on the grammatical functions and semantic functions, this article
We demonstrated long-period grating(LPG) inscription on polymer functionalized optical microfibers and its applications in optical sensing. Optical microfibers
EMC Europe 2017于9月4~8日在法国昂热召开,来自50个国家和地区的250篇技术文章分别在40个分论坛及张贴环节参与了讨论。会议同期的展览会在9月5~7日举行。《安全与电磁兼容
東芝公司24日召开董事会,就出售半导体子公司“东芝存储器”决定与美国西部数据阵营优先谈判。东芝社长纲川智目前正与西数首席执行官史蒂夫-米利根举行最高层会谈。东芝存储器估价173亿美元,西部数据不会寻求在东芝内存芯片业务的管理职位。  道达尔收编马士基石油和天然气部门  法国能源巨头道达尔同意收购丹麦石油和船运巨头马士基集团的石油和天然气部门,这是该公司自1999年以来的最大一笔收购交易。该交易全部
这轮宏观调控中暴露出来的若干问题,也就是下一步要清除的障碍。 Some of the problems exposed in this round of macroeconomic regulation and control are the obstacle