傅学诚大名鼎鼎,作为扮演刘伯承元帅的特型演员(见照片),自1979年始,十八个寒暑过去了,傅学诚已在三十多部影视片中扮演刘伯承:《大渡河》《四渡赤水》《巍巍昆仑》《开国大典》《百团大战》《千里跃进大别山》以及《大转折》《席卷大西南》《渡江战役》…… 拍《席卷大西南》时,在外景地河北省涉县赤岸村,一天,招待所来了两位当地的年轻小伙子看望傅学诚,两人见到傅学诚,十分激动:“傅老师,我们专门来看您,您演刘伯承演得真象!刘帅在赤岸村待过七年,乡亲们都很想念他,我们村老一辈人都说您把刘帅演绝了,看见您就跟看见刘帅一样!”
As a famous actor in Marshal Liu Bocheng (see photo), Fu Xuecheng has been playing the role of director Liu Bo Cheng in more than thirty films since 1979: Eighteen, “Dadu”, “Si Du Chishui” and “ Towering the Kunlun Mountains, ”“ Founding Ceremony, ”“ Hundred Regiments ”,“ Thousands of Leaps in the Dabie Mountains, ”and“ Turning Point, ”“ Sweeping the Southwest, ”“ Duijiang Campaign. ” The village, one day, the hostel came two local young man to visit Fu Xuecheng, two people see Fu Xuecheng, very excited: "Fu teacher, we look at you, you play Liu Bo Cheng played the truth! Years, folks are miss him, the older generation in our village you say Liu Shuai was cut off, saw you just saw Liu Shuai the same!