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南京及华东地区的油菜与十字花科蔬菜普遍发生花叶病。病原病毒經抗性(失毒温度、稀释終点、体外保毒期)測定和寄主反应測定,认为可以分作三大类型:分别为芸苔病毒2号,黄瓜病毒1号与烟病毒1号的株系。前两种病毒都能为害油菜、大白菜、白菜、芥菜、蘿卜等,但不为害甘蓝型的蔬菜,并都能引起菠菜和茼蒿的花叶,和在烟上引起局部枯斑。第一型在烟农特400号和心叶烟上不引起花叶,而第二型在烟和心叶烟上都能引起系統性花叶。第一型不为害心叶烟,而第三型可在心叶烟上引起小枯斑。第一型与凌立、楊演的油菜花叶病毒相近似,而和范怀忠、柯冲从十字花科蔬菜中所分离出的分离物1号最为相象。与裘維蕃、王祁楷在白菜上所发現的孤丁病毒的差别,在于不能侵害甘蓝类的蔬菜。第二型病毒与范怀忠、柯冲的分离物3号相近似,但与典型的黃瓜花叶病毒仍具有一定的差异。这些病毒在油菜上所引起的症状却沒有明显的差別。1、2两个类型的病毒都有一部分能为害早生朝鮮型的油菜,引起系統性黄斑及枮斑,病重的也能早期死亡。大田中的油菜病株的病毒,大多属于第一型病毒。病毒主要由桃蚜和蘿卜蚜传染,病毒系非持續性的,蚜虫一次吸毒后,传病期不超过20分钟。两个以上的桃蚜传病率就可达100%。种子不传病。殘留在土壤內的新鮮病根,可以传病。蔊菜在自然情况下可以感染病害。病株上病毒可由蚜虫传至油菜而誘发典型的花叶病,且具有終年生长及終年发病的特性,可能成为初期发病的病毒来源。 Nanjing and East China rape and cruciferous vegetables occur generally mosaic disease. The pathogenic viruses were divided into three major types according to their resistance (temperature of detoxification, end of dilution, period of protection in vitro) and host reaction. They were divided into Brassica virus 2, Cucumber virus 1 and Tobacco virus 1 Strain. The first two viruses can damage the rape, cabbage, cabbage, mustard, radish, but not harmful to the vegetables of the cabbage type, and can cause spinach and chrysanthemum mosaic, and caused by the smoke on the local spot. The first type did not cause mosaic in Yannong 400 and heart leaf tobacco, while the second type caused systemic mosaic in both tobacco and leaf tobacco. The first type does not harm the heart leaf tobacco, and the third type can cause small blisters on the leaflet smoke. The first type and Ling Li, Yang speech rape mosaic virus similar, and and Fan Huai Zhong, Ke Chong from Cruciferous vegetables isolated isolate No. 1 most similar. And Qiu Wei Fan, Wang Qi Kai cabbage cabbage found in the difference between the genus, that is not against cabbage vegetables. The second type of virus is similar to that of Fan Huazhong and Ke Chong, but still has some differences from the typical cucumber mosaic virus. The symptoms caused by these viruses in rapeseed are not significantly different. 1,2 Both types of virus can damage some of the early North Korean-type rape, causing systemic macular and halitosis, severe disease can also be early death. In the field of rape disease strains of viruses, most of which belong to the first type of virus. Virus mainly by Myzus persicae and radish aphid infection, non-persistence of the virus, aphids once drug, the transmission period of not more than 20 minutes. More than two peach aphids prevalence rate up to 100%. Seeds do not get sick. Residues in the soil of fresh roots, can be transmitted disease. Ipomoea aquatica can infect the disease under natural conditions. The virus on diseased plants can be transmitted from aphids to rapeseed and induce typical mosaic disease, and has the characteristics of annual growth and year-round incidence, which may become the source of virus in the early onset.
1975年我们对赤眼蜂中间寄主卵的保鲜问题进行了研究,同时对利用自然低温育蜂和成蜂饲养作了初步试验与观察。 一、保鲜试验 我省防治稻纵卷叶螟、稻苞虫以及稻螟蛉等,以澳
凌晨3点,爷爷忽然从床上坐起来,就在他穿着袜子的左脚接触地板的一刹那,肯尼斯的手机响了,那是他毕生难忘的瞬间。  肯尼斯4岁的时候,陪伴他长大的爷爷在公园里散步时走丢了,那天,肯尼斯第一次知道,爷爷得了阿尔茨海默病。  从此之后,爷爷再也无法带肯尼斯去游乐场,无法陪他做作业,甚至开始无法自己吃饭,无法自己上厕所,也记不清楚今天是几号、身边的人是谁,还常常一个人傻傻地坐在窗边。每天晚上,姑妈每隔30
马尾松赤枯病(Pestalotia funerea Desm.)是马尾松(Pinus massoiana Lamb.)幼林叶部的主要病害。初步了解在四川、贵州、广东、江苏等省都有分布。四川的万县、涪陵、达县、