最近,好消息纷至沓来:中奥成功,入世在即,外加国足冲出亚洲。新华社9月18日电称:入世后,将年增GDP2.94个百分点,意味着2400多亿元产值和1176万个就业机会。外经贸部统计,今年前8个月,实际利用外资274.4亿美元,合同利用外资437.5亿美元,分别比去年同期急增20.39%和31.66%。英国《经济学家》杂志最近公布的研究报告预测,今后5年中国吸收外资总额可达2850亿美元。 然而,也有混迹其中的杂音。比如,连篇累牍地胡吹,说什么当今楼市一派兴旺。其根据是,今年上半年全
Recently, good news came in after another: the success of China and Austria, accession to the WTO is just around the corner, plus the national football broke out of Asia. Xinhua News Agency, September 18 said: After joining the WTO, the annual increase of GDP by 2.94 percentage points, representing more than 240 billion yuan output value and 11.76 million job opportunities. According to the statistics released by the MOFTEC, the actual utilization of foreign investment was 27.44 billion U.S. dollars and the contractual foreign investment was 43.75 billion U.S. dollars in the first eight months of this year, surging 20.39% and 31.66% respectively over the same period of last year. According to a recent study released by the Economist magazine in the United Kingdom, China’s total foreign capital absorption in the next five years can reach 285 billion U.S. dollars. However, there are also some of the murmurs. For example, endless pounding, what to say now the market boom. It is based on the first half of this year