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什么是中国的主流电影?如何建构中国主流电影?这是电影界一直在探讨的问题。进入新世纪以来,中国电影的发展出现了新的变化:在年产量快速增长的同时,创作形态上也发生了很多明显的变化,创作者们有意识地缝合主流价值取向和商业化运作模式。这种变化在为我们提供了研究中国主流电影新背景的同时,也使得这一课题的研究变得更为迫切。在新的形势下,如何更好地诠释中国主流电影、诠释中国主流电影的文化认同、诠释中国主流电影的产业和美学策略等课题,成为当下学界关注的热点。为此,本刊特将“新世纪主流电影的新形态与新格局”作为2007年第1期的“焦点”话题,约请四位专家撰文,并对四位导演进行了专访,现一并发表,希望能对电影创作界、理论批评界和关心这一课题的读者朋友们有所启迪和裨益。 What is China’s mainstream film? How to build China’s mainstream movie? This is the movie industry has been exploring the issue. Since the beginning of the new century, new changes have taken place in the development of Chinese cinema: while the annual output has been rapidly increasing, many obvious changes have taken place in the form of creation, and creators consciously suture the mainstream value orientation and commercial operation mode. This change provides us with a new background in the study of China’s mainstream movies, but also makes the research on this topic more urgent. Under the new situation, how to better interpret the mainstream Chinese movies, interpret the cultural identity of the mainstream Chinese movies, and interpret the industrial and aesthetic strategies of the mainstream Chinese movies have become the hot topics that the current academic circles pay close attention to. To this end, we hereby invite four experts to write an interview with four directors on “New Forms and Patterns of the New Century’s Mainstream Cinemas” as the issue of “Focus” in the first issue of 2007, Present and published, hoping to enlighten and benefit movie cinema, theorists and critics and readers who care about this topic.
非小细胞肺癌(non-small cell lung cancer,NSCLC)约占肺癌病人的85%,其中30%~40%的病人就诊时已为不可切除的局部晚期,同步放化疗已成为这部分病人的首选治疗手段[1-2]。但
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从生物学理论基础出发给出广义Schumacher方程的推 分析,本方程不仅具有良好的解析性能和预测,而且具有广泛的适应性,本文用其描述了冷杉林分平均胸径,每公顷断面积的生长过程,同时对生长特