在突发灾难事件的报道中,报道的视角是一个很重要 的问题,值得探讨和研究。 在灾难新闻事件报道中,某些新闻媒体为了吸引受众 的眼球,一味地用新、奇、趣味低级的手法报道新闻。这主 要表现在两个方面: 一、灾难报道中“娱乐意识”凸显 很明显,灾难新闻因其突发性、灾难性而具有很大的新 闻价值。但对其报道要把握好分寸。受众在灾难新闻的影响 下情绪会低沉。在这次海啸新闻报道中,有一些新闻媒体却 用娱乐化的手法来处理一些新闻,如海啸中名人遇险有一
In the case of a sudden disaster, the perspective of coverage is a very important issue that deserves to be explored and studied. In the news of disaster events, some news media have always tried their best to cover the news with novelty, curiosity and low-level taste. This is mainly manifested in two aspects: First, the “entertainment consciousness” prominently appeared in disaster reports. Disaster news has great news value because of its suddenness and disastrousness. However, the report should take a good sense of proportion. Audiences will feel depressed under the influence of disaster news. In this tsunami news report, some news media have used entertainment methods to handle some news. For example, in the tsunami, celebrity distress has a