
来源 :农村实用工程技术 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:wangyang2005
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第一讲沼气在生态农业建设中的作用生态农业,是按照自然生态平衡的规律进行生产的农业。即为了维护人类赖以生存的自然环境,不能单方面为获取充足的农副产品而人为地破坏人和各类动植物间互利互补的平衡关系,否则,将给人类带来或加剧各类自然灾害。沼气是生物质能源利用的一种高级形式,人工制取沼气,是燃料史的巨大变革和进步,农村沼气综合利用,则是一项以制取沼气为中心,对农业自然资源实行多环节、多层次利用,提高能量转换率,推动种植业、养殖业和农副产品加工业齐发展,保护农业生态平衡的新兴事业。目前,全国开展沼气综合利用的项目已达五十多个,模式十多种,推广面约三十万余户,涌现出许多 The first biogas in the construction of ecological agriculture Ecological agriculture, is in accordance with the laws of natural ecological balance of agriculture. In other words, in order to maintain the natural environment upon which human beings depend for survival, they can not artificially destroy the balance of mutually beneficial complementarity between people and various kinds of animals and plants in order to obtain sufficient agricultural and sideline products unilaterally, otherwise, it will bring or aggravate all kinds of natural disasters to human beings . Biogas is a high-level form of biomass energy utilization. Man-made biogas is a great revolution and progress in the history of fuel. Comprehensive utilization of biogas in rural areas is a multi-link system that takes biogas as the center and implements agricultural natural resources. Multi-level utilization, improve energy conversion rate, promote the development of planting, aquaculture and agricultural products processing industry, protection of ecological balance of agriculture emerging industries. At present, there are over 50 projects on comprehensive utilization of biogas in the country, with more than 10 modes and about 300,000 households popularized,
该课题是由山东省水利科学研究所等单位经过3年联合研究的,并已取得了多项成果. 该研究成果包括:改进等滴量设计,解决和弥补 This project was jointly researched by Shan
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You Can Be a Detective Youself主要人物:侦探Richard Baxter越狱人Edward Coke陷害Coke的人Eric Masters Masters的同谋Hugo本期背景:天黑了,Coke待在乡下的一座小房子里,
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