粉煤灰混凝土超量取代配合比设计是以等强度对比为目的的计算方法 ,此法对粉煤灰初期的推广应用起到了非常重要的作用。在通过多年的粉煤灰应用实践后认为 ,现代粉煤灰混凝土配合比设计不应只强调等强度概念 ,而应同时考虑满足各种技术及经济指标 ,以实现技术经济最佳的目的
Excessive replacement of fly ash concrete mix design is based on the calculation of equal strength for the purpose of this method on the promotion of the early application of fly ash has played a very important role. After many years of fly ash application practice that modern mix design of fly ash concrete should not only emphasize the concept of equal strength, but should also consider to meet various technical and economic indicators, in order to achieve the best technical and economic purposes