20 0 2年 8月 2 1日至 2 3日 ,由中国人民大学清史研究所和浙江大学社会思想与文化批评研究中心在北京组织召开了由近 40位学者参加的“中国需要什么样的新史学———纪念梁启超《新史学》发表 10 0周年学术研讨会” ,与会者来自人文社会科学的 9个不同学科领域 ,包括史学、哲
From August 20 to August 23, the Qing History Research Institute of Renmin University of China and Zhejiang University Center for Social Thought and Cultural Criticism organized a seminar in Beijing on “What kind of new China needs Historiography --- Commemorating Liang Qichao’s ”New Historiography" published 10th Anniversary Symposium, with participants from 9 different academic disciplines of humanities and social sciences, including historiography and philosophy