First, the unification of production and consumption is an objective requirement of contradictions in social reproduction Production, distribution, exchange and consumption are the four bad sectors of the social reproduction process. Their contradictory movements constitute the unity of social reproduction. Production and consumption are two of the most basic elements, and the contradiction between them constitutes the basis of reproduction. Human beings must survive when they want to survive, and they must produce before they can obtain necessary consumption data. Production is a means of consumption is the purpose. The “demand of consumption determines the production” (“Introduction” on page 22). At the same time, production determines the level of consumption, the nature of consumption, and the manner of consumption. The role of production on consumption, people are more familiar with, pay more attention. However, the reactionary effects of consumption on production are often overlooked. In the “Introduction”, Marx elaborates the decisive role of production in consumption in the contradictory movement of opposites of production and consumption. At the same time, it brilliantly summarizes the powerful counterproductive effect of consumption on production. That is: