减轻分娩疼痛的呼吸方法 1.胸式呼吸方法 适用于分娩第一期,可以镇定情绪,减轻痛苦。 体位:仰卧.略向侧方。 方法:用鼻子深吸一口气,胸部鼓起,然后张开嘴,慢慢呼出。 时间:每分钟15次,吸气与呼气时间相等。 节奏:吸气2秒,呼气2秒,可以用每秒1拍,共2个8拍
Breathing method to relieve childbirth pain 1. Chest breathing method for the first issue of childbirth, can calm emotions and ease the pain. Position: supine. Slightly lateral. Method: Take a deep breath with your nose and your chest bulges, then open your mouth and exhale slowly. Time: 15 times per minute, inspiratory and expiratory time equal. Rhythm: Inhale 2 seconds, exhale 2 seconds, you can use 1 second per second, a total of 2 8 beat