蜘蛛种类多,分布广,适应性强,是农林害虫的重要天敌之一。近年来,我们结合松干蚧天敌的调查,在胶东地区的昆嵛山和招虎山等松林内,采集了一批蜘蛛标本,并对蜘蛛的发生与环境条件的关系作了初步调查。现整理如下。一、蜘蛛种类 1979-1981年,共采到蜘蛛标本47个号,经鉴定已知学名的有27种,隶属13科24属(见表1)。这些蜘蛛,多捕食松树,灌木和杂草上的害虫。其中,以美丽羽蛛、小带斑
Many spiders, widely distributed, strong adaptability, is one of the important natural enemies of agricultural and forestry pests. In recent years, we combined with the investigation of natural enemies of ticks and insects, collected a series of spider specimens in Kunlun Mountain and Zhahu Mountain in Jiaodong area and made a preliminary investigation on the relationship between spiders’ occurrence and environmental conditions. Now collated as follows. First, the spider species 1979-1981, collected a total of 47 spider specimens, known to have 27 species of scientific name, belonging to 13 families and 24 genera (see Table 1). These spiders predate pests on pines, shrubs and weeds. Among them, the beautiful feather spider, small with spots