90年代中期,随着中国经济的发展及改革开放进程的加快,大量高科技产品及大批国外安防企业开始进入中国。据《2010年中国安防行业年鉴》显示,活跃于中国安防市场的外资企业(包括港台)及品牌超过200家,这反映出当前外资安防企业已经成为中国安防行业不可替代的力量,并且在国内高端安防市场中占据着重要地位。在为数众多的国外安防品牌中,作为全球安全身份验证领域的领导厂商——HID Global,自进入中国市场以来一直保持创新和服务并举,积极推广非接触式智能卡技术、基于IP的门禁系统、虚拟凭证卡等一系列领先的安防技术,拉近了中国安防市场与世界领先地区的距离。同时,HID Global在充分解读中国经济高速发展的社会公民安全防护意识的基础上,利用其完整的身份认证和门禁平台,极大地促进了国内安全身份验证管理的变革,并赢得了客户和市场的广泛认可。
In the mid-1990s, with the development of China’s economy and the acceleration of reform and opening up, a large number of high-tech products and a large number of foreign security companies began to enter China. According to the Yearbook of China Security Industry 2010, more than 200 foreign-funded enterprises (including RTHK) and brands are active in China’s security market. This reflects that the current foreign-funded security companies have become irreplaceable forces in China’s security industry and have been operating in China High-end security market occupies an important position. Among a large number of foreign security brands, HID Global, the global leader in secure authentication, has maintained innovation and service since its entry into the Chinese market. It actively promotes contactless smart card technology, IP-based access control system, and virtualization Vouchers and a series of leading security technology, narrowing China’s security market and the world’s leading areas of distance. At the same time, HID Global has made full use of its complete identity authentication and access control platform on the basis of fully interpreting the rapid development of China’s social security awareness and greatly promoted the change of domestic security authentication management and won the trust of customers and the market. widely accepted.