在社会主义市场经济体制下,要想使公有制医疗单位长久立于不败之地,需要方方面面的努力,但作为治本之策,还是要苦练内功,方能后劲无穷。 常言道:“内功固其本、外功解其标”,说明练好内功可以从根本上解决老大难问题。当前,有些医院领导一谈到面临的困难就抱怨:“国拨经费锐减,缺乏投资拉动;患者需求不足,收入日趋下降;市场竞争激烈,经营风险增大;历史包袱沉重,医院不胜负担。”可谓牢骚满腹,怨天尤人,
Under the socialist market economic system, if we want to make the publicly-owned medical treatment units invincible for a long time, we need all kinds of efforts. However, as a strategy for permanent cure, we still have to work hard to improve our internal strength, so that we can have endless energy. As the saying goes: “The internal strength is solid and the external power is used to solve the standard”, which shows that the practice of internal strength can fundamentally solve the problem of old age. At present, some hospital leaders have complained when they talk about the difficulties they face: “The funds allocated by the government have dropped sharply and there has been a lack of investment; patients have insufficient demand and income has been declining; market competition is fierce and business risks have increased; historical burdens are heavy and hospitals are overburdened. "Can be described as discontented and complaining.