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这段时间以来,各种形式的国产软件论坛、研讨会频频亮相,使人们再一次把关注的目光投向国产软件。而被视为软件产业中核心的操作系统、数据库、中间件等产品,自然成为人们追逐的亮点。然而,不容回避的是,中国软件产业起步较晚,发展道路上差距和机遇并存。为缩小与国际软件产业的差距、实现国产软件产业的崛起,我国政府选取了操作系统、数据库、中间件、游戏等多个领域进行突破。而对于作为信息化系统核心的操作系统、数据库、中间件,更是呵护有加。政府对这三朵“小花”一视同仁,而他们面临的命运却迥然不同,到底谁能茁壮成长,并挑起中国软件产业发展的大梁? Since this time, various forms of domestic software forums and seminars have appeared frequently, so that people once again turn their attention to domestic software. And regarded as the core of the software industry operating systems, databases, middleware and other products, naturally became the highlight of people chasing. However, it can not be avoided that the software industry in China started relatively late and the gaps and opportunities on the development path coexist. In order to narrow the gap with the international software industry and realize the rise of the domestic software industry, our government has selected a number of areas such as operating systems, databases, middleware and games to make breakthroughs. As for the core of the information system operating system, database, middleware, it is more care. The government treats the three “florets” equally without discrimination. In the end, who can thrive and stir up the development of China’s software industry?
在促进新技术、新业务发展的同时,保护已有的无线电业务正常运行,是2019年世界无线电通信大会(WRC-19)一大重点任务。面对越来越多的小卫星测控系统使用401MHz~403 MHz和399.9MHz~400.05MHz频段频谱资源,WRC-19大会设立了1.2议题,审议确定这两个频段内已有的卫星移动业务(MSS)、卫星气象业务(MetSat)和卫星地球探测业务(EESS)中操作的地球站的带内功率