随着社会的发展,人类生存环境的改变,老龄人口的增加及医学模式的转变,老年人的心理保健日益需要人们重视。 老年人随着生理功能的减退,记忆力,想象力和理解力相应减弱。表现怪癖、固执,不安、焦虑和恐惧,自卑或自尊心理增强。我们应观察了解老年人的这些心理特征,创造适合老人的环境,同时帮助老年人适应环境。
With the development of society, the change of human living environment, the increase of the aging population and the change of the medical model, the mental health care of the elderly needs more and more attention. Elderly people with the decline of physiological function, memory, imagination and understanding of the corresponding decrease. Performance quirks, stubbornness, anxiety, anxiety and fear, inferiority or increased self-esteem psychology. We should observe and understand these psychological characteristics of the elderly to create a suitable environment for the elderly while helping the elderly adapt to the environment.