在北大人民医院骨科,有一个关节病诊疗研究中心,中心主任吕厚山教授的名字在患者中广为传颂。吕主任医术精湛,医德高尚,尤其擅长置换人工关节。他的手术优良率达87%,患者称他情厚如山。 据中华风湿病学会统计:全国12亿人口中,类风湿关节炎、强直性脊柱炎、骨性关节炎等症的患者近3600万人。由于此类疾病发展导致关节严重破坏,需要进行人工关节置换手术的患者高达200万人左右。而实际能进行关节置换手术的微乎其微。
Peking University People’s Hospital orthopedics, there is a joint disease diagnosis and treatment research center, Professor Lu Houshan, director of the center’s name widely praised among patients. Director LV superb medical ethics noble, especially good at replacement of artificial joints. His surgical rate of 87% excellent, patients said he was thick love. According to the statistics of the Chinese Rheumatology Society: Among the population of 1.2 billion in the country, there are nearly 36 million patients with rheumatoid arthritis, ankylosing spondylitis and osteoarthritis. As the development of such diseases causes serious joint damage, up to 2 million patients require artificial joint replacement surgery. The actual joint replacement surgery can be minimal.