Experimental Study of Cell Migration and Functional Differentiation of Transplanted Neural Stem Cell

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Objective To explore the migration of transplanted neural stem cells co-labeled with superparamagnetic iron oxide(SPIO) and bromodeoxyuridine(Brdu) using the 4.7T MR system and to study the cell differentiation with immuno-histochemical method in ischemic rats.Methods Rat neural stem cells(NSCs) co-labelled with SPIO mediated by poly-L-lysine and bromodeoxyuridine(BrdU) were transplanted into the unaffected side of rat brain with middle cerebral artery occlusion(MCAO).At weeks 1,2,3,4,5,and 6 after MCAO,migration of the labelled cells was monitored by MRI.At week 6,the rats were killed and their brain tissue was cut according to the migration site of transplanted cells indicated by MRI and subjected to Prussian blue staining and immunohistochemical staining to observe the migration and differentiation of the transplanted NSCs.Results Three weeks after transplantation,the linear hypointensity area derived from the migration of labelled NSCs was observed by MRI in the corpus callosum adjacent to the injection site.Six weeks after the transplantation,the linear hypointensity area was moved toward the midline along the corpus callosum.MRI findings were confirmed by Prussian blue staining and immunohistochemical staining of the specimen at week 6 after the transplantation.Flourescence co-labelled immunohistochemical methods demonstrated that the transplanted NSCs could differentiate into astrocytes and neurons.Conclusion MRI can monitor the migration of SPIO-labelled NSCs after transplantation in a dynamical and non-invasive manner.NSCs transplanted into ischemic rats can differentiate into astrocytes and neurons during the process of migration. Objective To explore the migration of transplanted neural stem cells co-labeled with superparamagnetic iron oxide (SPIO) and bromodeoxyuridine (Brdu) using the 4.7 T MR system and to study the cell differentiation with immuno-histochemical method in ischemic rats. Methods Rat neural stem cells (NSCs) co-labeled with SPIO mediated by poly-L-lysine and bromodeoxyuridine (BrdU) were transplanted into the unaffected side of rat brain with middle cerebral artery occlusion (MCAO) .At weeks 1,2,3,4,5 , and 6 after MCAO, migration of the labeled cells was monitored by MRI. At week 6, the rats were killed and their brain tissue was cut according to the migration site of transplanted cells indicated by MRI and subjected to Prussian blue staining and immunohistochemical staining to observe the migration and differentiation of the transplanted NSCs. Results Three weeks after transplantation, the linear hypointensity area derived from the migration of labeled NSCs was observed by MRI in the corpus callosum adj. acent to the injection site. Six weeks after the transplantation, the linear hypointensity area was moved toward the midline along the corpus callosum. MRI findings were confirmed by Prussian blue staining and immunohistochemical staining of the specimen at week 6 after the transplantation. Flourescence co- labeled immunohistochemical methods demonstrated that the transplanted NSCs could differentiate into astrocytes and neurons. Confocal MRI can monitor the migration of SPIO-labeled NSCs after transplantation in a dynamical and non-invasive manner. NSCs transplanted into ischemic rats can differentiate into astrocytes and neurons during the process of migration.
美国道化学公司研究了用 Ca-Mg 合金还原稀土金属盐的一种还原工艺,其过程是:先将稀土金属盐熔化,再用熔融的 Ca-Mg 合金还原,从而得到一种熔融的钙盐和一种熔融的 Mg-M合金
摘要:培养适应21世纪医学检验专业专科人才,医学检验专业实用型人才的培养尤为重要。将从医学检验的相关内容来研究专业实用型人才的培养现状和不足,并从转变教育教学观念、课程体系、教学内容及教学方法等方面进行探讨和研究教改思路。  关键词:医学检验专业 实用性人才培养 教改思路  医学检验学是基础医学、临床医学及现代实验室科学技术在高层次上的结合,也是目前医学院校发展重心,近年来也为医学院培养了不少实用
“春蚕到死丝方尽,蜡炬成灰泪始干”是李商隐《无题·相见时难别亦难》颔联两句诗。借用春蚕到死才停止吐丝,蜡烛燃尽才停止流泪,比喻爱情至死不渝,是一曲动人心魄的千古绝唱。  笔者研究发现,不少人在具体赏析这两句诗的情境时,都认为它们写的是两位有情人“别后相思”。这里举两个有代表性的例子。有一版本的教学参考书是这样阐释的:“蚕丝的‘丝’和相思的‘思’是同音字,古人写诗,往往借用同音字来表示另一种意思。南