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在高中美术教学中,探究式的教学方法已经逐渐受到了教师的关注,因为学生在探究中能够更加深入地了解所学的知识,并且在很大程度上提高学生的审美水平。在组织探究学习的时候,教师首先要做的就是创造合适的环境,让学生感受到探究的氛围。主要分析了探究教学这一模式在高中美术中的应用,希望能够提高美术课的教学效率,让学生充分感受到探究学习的积极影响。 In high school art teaching, the inquiry teaching method has gradually been concerned by the teachers because students can understand the learned knowledge more deeply in the inquiry and improve the students’ aesthetic level to a great extent. In organizing inquiry learning, the first thing teachers need to do is create a suitable environment for students to feel the atmosphere of inquiry. It mainly analyzes the application of inquiry teaching model in high school arts. It hopes to improve the teaching efficiency of art class and make students fully feel the positive influence of inquiry learning.
客观而言,今天的中国除中央与地方、大型国企之间错综复杂的关系外,已形成了很多庞大的利益团体,这次的中央机构改革,必将对众多利益集团产生震动。如果不能以这次行政体制改变为切入点全面推进政治体制改革,行政体制改革恐无法单军突进。    近日,国务院46个部门定职能、定机构、定编制的“三定”规定已经全部发布实施。一场中央政府大部制机构改革的布局,渐次呈现。  从执政党的十七大明确提出要加快行政管理体制改