目的 肝豆状核变性患者可具分裂样症状表现及锥体外系反应 ,极易与精神分裂症的某些症状及经抗精神病药物治疗时出现的锥体外系反应相混 ,本文通过对具有分裂样症状的肝豆状核变性患者进行分析 ,以提高临床医生对疾病诊断的全面认识。方法 采用回顾性调查方法对近 1 0年住院具有分裂样症状的肝豆状核变性患者进行临床表现和治疗观察分析。结果 3 8例患者中 ,1 6例患者入院均被误诊或疑为精神分裂症 ,后经临床表现、治疗观察及相关实验室检查 ,确诊为肝豆状核变性。结论 对具有分裂样症状的患者 ,若同时伴有神经系统症状、体征 ,精神科医生应开拓思路 ,进行必要的相关检查 ,以全面诊断
The purpose of Wilson’s disease in patients with schizoaffective manifestation of schizoaffective and extrapyramidal reactions, easily with some of the symptoms of schizophrenia and antipsychotic drugs appear during treatment of extrapyramidal reactions mixed, this article through the split Like symptoms of hepatolenticular degeneration were analyzed in order to improve clinicians’ overall understanding of disease diagnosis. Methods The clinical manifestations and treatment of hepatolenticular degeneration patients who had schizophrenia in hospital in recent 10 years were retrospectively investigated. Results Among the 38 patients, 16 patients were misdiagnosed or suspected to be schizophrenic. All patients were diagnosed with hepatolenticular degeneration after clinical manifestation, treatment observation and related laboratory tests. Conclusion For patients with schizoid symptomatology, if accompanied by neurological symptoms and signs, psychiatrists should explore ways to carry out the necessary relevant checks to make a comprehensive diagnosis