向往常熟藏书楼久矣!今年春天,终于得到一次机会,有常熟之行。 江苏常熟,是吴文化的发祥地之一,有着悠久和深厚的历史渊源。三千多年来,文化发达,人文荟萃,素有“文化之邦”的美誉。常熟人才辈出,自唐代至清末,著录的常熟籍进士四百八十三位、状元八位、榜眼四位、探花五位;解放后,入选中国科学院院士的常熟籍人士十二位。而自唐宋以降,在书法、绘画、金石、古琴、文学、美学、教育等人文、艺术和医学领域,创宗立派名闻海内的常熟人,更是举不胜举。如以其草书成就之大,而与李白诗歌、裴旻剑舞并称“唐代三绝”的草圣张旭;
Changshu library longing for long time! This spring, finally got a chance, Changshu trip. Changshu, Jiangsu, is one of the cradles of Wu culture, has a long history and deep roots. For more than three thousand years, the culture has developed and the humanities have been gathering together. It is known as the “state of culture”. Changshu talented people, from the Tang Dynasty to the late Qing dynasty, recorded Changshu Jinshi 483, champion eight, second place eyes, five thirds; after the liberation, selected Chinese Academy of Sciences Changshu native twelve. And since the Tang and Song dynasties, in the calligraphy, painting, stone, guqin, literature, aesthetics, education and other humanities, arts and medicine, Chongzongli fame and fortune in the sea of Changshu people, is endless. Such as its cursive achievements, but with Li Bai poetry, Pei Min Jian dance and said “Tang Dynasty San Jue” Grass Sheng Zhang Xu;