有分析认为WiMAX将是3G的终结者。但实际情况真的会是这样吗? 首先,WiMAX与Wi-Fi、3G的确具有很多重叠的甚至是超越的功能,具有和Wi-Fi、3G竞争的关系,但它们更多的是一个互补关系。这是因为Wi-Fi、WiMAX、3G分别针对的是无线局域网WLAN、城域网MAN、广域网WAN,具有不同的市场?
Some analysts believe that WiMAX will be the Terminator of 3G. First, WiMAX and Wi-Fi, 3G really have many overlapping or even beyond the function, with Wi-Fi, 3G competition, but they are more of a complementary relationship . This is because Wi-Fi, WiMAX, 3G are targeted at wireless LAN WLAN, MAN MAN, WAN WAN, with different markets?