目的探讨输尿管结石术后留置双J管对患者生活质量的影响。方法 300例输尿管结石术后留置双J管患者,置管时间4~8周。门诊输尿管镜下拔管时填写调查问卷,内容包括泌尿系统症状、国际前列腺症状评分(IPSS)、生活质量评分(QoL)和视觉疼痛评分(VAS)。结果带管期间265(88.3%)例患者有泌尿系症状,分别为夜尿增多205(68.3%)例,间断肉眼血尿186(62%)例,尿频194(64.6%)例,尿急178(56.7%)例,尿不尽165(55%)例,排尿困难156(52%)例;患者有腰部或下腹部疼痛220(73.3%)例,QoL不满意者占140(46.7%)例。结论输尿管双J管引起的泌尿系症状和疼痛影响患者的生活质量。
Objective To investigate the effect of ureteral calculi postoperative double J tube on the quality of life of patients. Methods 300 cases of ureteral calculi left double J tube patients, catheterization time of 4 to 8 weeks. Outpatient ureteroscopy extubation questionnaire, including urological symptoms, the International Prostate Symptom Score (IPSS), quality of life score (QoL) and visual acuity score (VAS). Results 265 (88.3%) patients had urinary symptoms in the period of tube insertion, which were nocturnal enuresis increased by 205 (68.3%), intermittent gross hematuria 186 (62%), frequent urination 194 (64.6%), urinary urgency 178 56.7%), urinary excretion in 165 (55%) and urinary difficulty 156 (52%). There were 220 (73.3%) patients with lumbar or lower abdominal pain, and 140 (46.7%) with unsatisfied QoL. Conclusion Ureteral double J tube caused by urinary symptoms and pain affect the quality of life of patients.