From Formalism to Type Research After the prevalence of contemporary cinema theory came to the fore in the mid-1960s, not only did new ways of exploring cinema be brought about, but new types of films that deserved to be valued and how to evaluate films at all Brand new truth. The best way to measure the distance between humanism in the 1950s and post-structuralism today is to look at our attitudes toward various films and the so-called sources of interest and power in any given movie The attitude of the change. In this chapter we will look at how the value people realize from the cinema evolved from its creativity and art to ideology and system. In the United States, the theory of cinema grew up in a world dominated by the “new critics” marring the formalist mark; in Europe, the theory of cinema, on the other hand, marked the first structuralist signboard. What these two types of inquiry systems have in common is to focus their attention strictly on the work of art as the object. Their concept of classification and function of this object may differ from each other, but in practice both systems preclude the possibility of advancing the semiotic construction of a particular work