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徐明波.双鹭药业股份有限公司总经理,董事长,为公司主要发起人、创办者和核心技术带头人。历任军事医学科学院课题组长、助理研究员、北京双鹭药业股份有限公司高级工程师、教授级高级工程师、总经理,是我国自己培养的青年基因工程中、下游技术专家,是北京市有突出贡献的专家并享受国务院特殊津贴,先后主持完成了四项国家级高技术重点研究项目。兼任中国生物工程学会产业化专业委员会常务委员.北京市医药行业协会副会长、北京中关村生物工程和新医药企业协会副理事长、生化工程国家重点实验室学术委员会委员、中国药学会生物制品专业委员会委员,是“新世纪百千万人才工程”国家级人选和“首都劳动奖章”获得者。 Xu Mingbo, general manager and chairman of Shuanglu Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd., is the main sponsor, founder and core technology leader of the company. Former military Academy of Science task force leader, assistant researcher, Beijing double heron Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. senior engineer, professor-level senior engineer, general manager, is our own training of young genetic engineering, downstream technical experts, Beijing has made outstanding contributions Experts and enjoy the special allowance of the State Council, has presided over the completion of four state-level high-tech key research projects. He is also a standing member of the Industrialization Committee of China Bioengineering Society, vice president of Beijing Pharmaceutical Industry Association, vice chairman of Beijing Zhongguancun Bioengineering and New Pharmaceutical Enterprises Association, member of Academic Committee of State Key Laboratory of Biochemical Engineering, Committee members, is “New Century Talents Project ” national candidates and “Capital Labor Medal ” winner.
5月5~8日,秉着弘扬内衣文化,助推行业发展的目标,本届中国内衣文化周在深圳开启了时尚盛宴。期间,安莉芳“Fashion inside out”时尚趋势开幕大秀、SIUF中外设计师联合发布,
1971年9月,我们村庄像变戏法似的一夜之间变出了一所小学。一些略微识得几个字的农民于是也就一夜之间变成了我们的老师。这 In September 1971, our village changed into
The World Steel Association is regarded as one of the world’s largest and most dynamic industry associations in the world.Please briefl y introduce worldsteel.
罗氏沼虾(Macrobrachium rosenbergii)和日本沼虾(M.nipponense)已经在我国得到广泛的养殖,产生巨大的经济效益。祁连沼虾(M.qilianensis)是自然分布在我国甘肃省的土著虾种,
肖飞,毕业于上海第二军医大学临床医学专业,长期从事医疗和科研工作,1985年师从我国著名肝胆外科专家、中国科学院院士吴孟超教授,并受其推荐前往美国RUSH医疗中心进修。1 98
货币,在当今经济飞速发展的商品社会中,日益显示出它不同凡响的作用。人们的衣食住行,无不渗透着金钱 Currency has increasingly demonstrated its extraordinary role in