随着煤电油运全面紧张和西气东输工程全力推进,这两年在东部沿海地区,甚至西气东输经过的中部沿线地区城市,都出现了争相建设燃气电厂的情况。 权威部门的人士表示,我国在今后的能源结构中,将加大天然气比重,尤其是在东南沿海地区将逐步减少燃煤电站的比重,加大天然气发电的投资比重。
With the overall tight oil and gas transportation and the full progress of the West-East Gas Pipeline Project, the construction of gas-fired power plants in the eastern coastal areas and even in the cities along the central-eastward part of the west-east gas pipeline over the past two years has emerged. Authorities said that China’s energy structure in the future will increase the proportion of natural gas, especially in the southeast coastal areas will gradually reduce the proportion of coal-fired power plants, increase the proportion of natural gas power generation investment.