先兆性流产是指妇女妊娠 2 8周以前 ,出现阴道流血 ,或下腹痛 ,小腹坠胀 ,子宫颈口未开羊膜囊未破 ,妊娠产物尚未排出 ,中医认为 :先兆性流产单有腹痛下坠感者 ,又称为“胎动不安”。有少量流血者又称“胎漏下血”。在此期间 ,中西医均以保守治疗为主。近4年来我科采用西医对症
Threatened abortion refers to women before pregnancy 28 weeks ago, there vaginal bleeding, or lower abdominal pain, abdominal bulge, open the uterine cervix unruptured amniotic sac, pregnancy products have not yet been discharged, the Chinese medicine believes that: the only threatened abortion abdominal pain sense of falling Also known as “fetal distress.” A small number of bloodshed, also known as “fetal leakage under the blood.” During this period, both traditional Chinese medicine and western medicine were conservatively treated. In the past 4 years, our department used Western medicine symptomatic