关于动脉血压形成的研究,并不是一个崭新的课题,从最早开始认识直到今天虽然已有三百多年的时间了,但仍有许多问题亟待更新和解决。1628年,英国科学家William Harvey在其发表的著作《心与血的运动》中提出了血压的概念。1733年,英国牧师Stephen Hales将尾端带有金属管的玻璃管直接插入马的颈动脉内测量其血压。1828年法国生理学家Poiseuille通过U型水银管测量了圆柱管内血液流量与压力差的
The study on the formation of arterial blood pressure is not a brand new topic. It has been more than three hundred years since we first started to understand it. However, many problems still need to be solved urgently. In 1628, British scientist William Harvey put forward the concept of blood pressure in his published book Heart and Blood Movement. In 1733, Stephen Hales, a British pastor, inserted a glass tube with a metal tube at the tail end into the carotid artery to measure its blood pressure. In 1828, French physiologist Poiseuille measured the difference of blood flow and pressure in cylindrical tube by U-shaped mercury tube