【摘 要】
Editor’s Note: In recent years, China’s public security organs have firmly implanted the idea of enforcing the law in the interests of the people and adhered
Editor’s Note: In recent years, China’s public security organs have firmly implanted the idea of enforcing the law in the interests of the people and adhered to the principle of enforcing the law strictly, impartially and in a civilized manner and dealing flows at all kinds of criminal activities. They have achieved fruitful results in protecting the lawful rights and interests of the people and in safeguarding and protecting human rights. To know such achievements, our staff reporter interviewed Tian Qiyu, executive vice-minister of public security.
Editor’s Note: In recent years, China’s public security organs have firmly implanted the idea of enforcing the law in the interests of the people and adhered to the principle of enforcing the law strictly, impartially and in a civilized manner and dealing flows at all kinds of They have achieved fruitful results in protecting the lawful rights and interests of the people and in safeguarding and protecting human rights. To know such achievements, we staff reporter interviewed Tian Qiyu, executive vice-minister of public security.
To change the undesirable present situation of recovering and using converter gas in steel plants in China, the basic approaches to improving the converter gas
1 一向听话守时的儿子,高考前最后一次调考完,于当天晚自习结束后失踪了。晚自习八点二十分结束,他一般是九点到家,可那晚到了十一二点他都没回家。打他电话,通了,但没接,不知道他在干什么,也不知道是不是出了什么事。我和他爸在家急得不得了,跟他的老师、同学打电话求助,都说不知道。 最后联系到一位同学,他打开了儿子的微博,同学的妈妈看了儿子的微博后,说,上面有一句话,我不知道怎么跟你讲,看了好心疼。我
目的 探讨胸腔积液胃泌素前体释放肽片段31-98(ProGRP)及细胞角蛋白19(CYFRA21-1)单项及联合检测对肺癌所致恶性胸腔积液的诊断价值.方法将75例肺癌所致的恶性胸腔积液患者分为小细胞肺癌(SCLC)组36例和非小细胞肺癌(NSCLC)组39例,并以良性胸腔积液组37例进行对照.比较胸腔积液ProGRP、CYFRA21-1单项及联合检测对恶性胸腔积液的诊断价值.结果胸腔积液ProGR
Child’s sentence “toad dis
清季西方势力入侵引起的冲击,李鸿章尝称之为“三千年未有之大变局”,论者亦多引用之。此语虽触目惊心,其实却是经不起推敲的。盖其后隐伏着一个大判断:即三千年来中国并无这样大的变化。这种观点,多少与当时西人以为中国沉睡的见解相符,其思想渊源或直接来自西潮,亦未可知。 李鸿章的论断本身虽经不起推敲,却颇能代表当时士人的危机感和以传统因应西潮之无力感。从思想史角度观之,李氏此语甚具时代象征意义。论者纵然知
The precondition for any nationali