重才 聚才 用才 爱才——四联集团公司的生财法宝

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中国四联仪器仪表集团公司是国家计委新近批准的10家实行计划单列的企业集团之一。集团公司的核心企业——四川仪表总厂,是我国最大的综合性仪器仪表企业,主要生产工业自动化仪表及系统工程成套装置,技术含量高。27年前,这个集团公司的川仪总厂从上海等地内迁来渝,在远离市区的北碚安营扎寨,客观条件差。然而,穷则思变。27年后这里已形成规模,点缀在嘉陵江沿岸的20多家专业化仪表厂,把北碚妆扮成了一座名符其实的仪表城,产品从这儿走向全国,有的自控成套装置还远销东南亚,为国创汇,成为行业瞩目的全国3大仪表生产基地。抚今追昔,四联集团公司之所以有今天的辉煌,同他们昨天今天至明天的科技兴厂的“重才、聚才、用才、爱才”的兴厂之道分离不开。 China Silian Instrument and Meter Group is one of the 10 newly approved enterprise groups under the State Planning Commission. The company’s core company, Sichuan Instrument Factory, is China’s largest comprehensive instrumentation company. It mainly manufactures complete sets of industrial automation instrumentation and system engineering devices with high technological content. Twenty-seven years ago, the Chuanyi Plant of this group company moved in and out of Shanghai and other places, and set up camps in Beibei, far from the urban areas. The objective conditions were poor. However, poor people think differently. 27 years later, it has formed a scale, embellished with more than 20 specialized instrument factories along the Jialing River, and turned Beibei into a truly instrument city. From here, the product goes to the country, and some self-control devices are also exported to Southeast Asia. , For the country to create foreign exchange, the industry has become the industry’s three major instrument production base. In order to catch up with the past, the reason why the Silian Group Company has today’s glory is inseparable from the way they used to build factories, which are the talents, talents, talents, and talents of today’s science and technology plant.
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