1936年10月,国民党政界要人陈果夫曾向当时的军政部长何应钦建议,发动各界捐款购买飞机,以此来庆祝即将来临的蒋介石的50岁生日。据说当年搞的“购机祝寿”活动敛聚钱财以千万计,各地捐献飞机数量不等,“‘童子军’也捐献了一架飞机”。而事实上,“童子军”献机与蒋介石50岁大寿根本无关。 事情还要追溯到1932年“一·二八”淞沪抗战刚刚结束不久,那时我是浙江湖州绉业小学四年级的学生。当年,全国的小学生掀起了一场“儿童储金造舰”(后改为造机)的爱国运动,我们学校
In October 1936, Kuomintang politician Chen Kuo-fu once proposed to the then military and government minister He Yingqin the donation of money from all walks of life to purchase aircraft to celebrate the upcoming 50th birthday of Chiang Kai-shek. It is said that in the current “purchase birthday” activities to accumulate money tens of millions of money donated around the number, “” Boy Scout “also donated an aircraft.” In fact, the offer of “Boy Scouts” has nothing to do with the 50th birthday of Chiang Kai-shek. Things go back to 1932, “January 28” Songhu Anti-Japanese War just ended shortly after, when I was the fourth grade of Zhejiang Huzhou Crepe Primary School students. That year, the country’s primary school set off a patriotic movement called “children’s savings fund-making ship” (later converted to machine), our school