心电图(ECG)信号的时间不可逆性能够反映出心脏的生理功能和健康状态.从短时ECG信号中探测时间不可逆性特征具有重要的现实意义.文章提出符号相对熵方法(先进行符号化处理,再分别计算它们的时间不可逆性),研究了从MIT-BIH标准数据库中提取的正常窦性心律(normal sinus rhythm,NSR)、心室纤颤(ventricular fibrillation,VF)、心脏猝死(sudden cardiac death,SCD)三种信号.结果表明,这三种信号的时间不可逆性有所不同:NSR信号的时间不可逆性变化范围最大,VF信号次之,SCD信号最小;并且强度依次变小.方差检验结果表明,此方法得出的三种信号的时间不可逆性具有显著差异,对患者进行快速诊断和辅助治疗有积极的作用.
The time irreversibility of ECG signal can reflect the physiological function and health state of the heart.It is of great practical significance to detect the time irreversible feature from short-term ECG signal.This paper presents the symbolic relative entropy method (firstly symbolic processing, And then calculate their irreversibility of time respectively), normal sinus rhythm (NSR), ventricular fibrillation (VF), sudden cardiac death SCD) .The results show that the time irreversibility of these three signals is different: the time irreversibility of NSR signal is the largest, the VF signal is the second, the SCD signal is the least, and the intensity is smaller in turn.The results of variance test . The time irreversibility of the three signals obtained by this method is significantly different and has a positive effect on patients’ rapid diagnosis and adjuvant therapy.