【摘 要】
油门生菜是一种营养价值较高的叶菜。早熟、耐寒、耐热、耐病,绿色长叶,叶丛直立紧凑,适宜密植。味道清爽可口,甜中微带苦味,洗净蘸酱生吃脆嫩可口,炒食、作汤、涮羊肉等吃法也深受人们青睐。 油门生菜喜湿耐寒,对土壤要求不严,但人工栽培时以疏松、肥沃、土层较深厚、排水良好的向阳壤土较
Throttle lettuce is a high nutritional value of leafy vegetables. Premature, cold, heat-resistant, disease-resistant, green leaves, vertical and compact foliage, suitable for close planting. Taste fresh and delicious, sweet in the microstrip bitter, washed dipping sauce raw crisp and delicious, fried, soup, lamb and other eating methods are also favored by people. Joy lettuce hi wet cold, lax requirements of the soil, but artificial cultivation to loose, fertile, deeper soil, well-drained sunny loam than
High phytoplankton biomass and ocean primary productivity (OPP) often occurs near river mouths or in eutrophic coastal waters for short time periods.Tang et
The flux of nitrogen from pollution associated with anthropogenic activities along the Eastern Seaboard of Thailand is investigated and the resultant flux o
During Jul-18 to Aug-7 2006,influence of the typhoon Kaemi (landed on Jul-25) on the photosynthetic carbon fixation of surface phytoplankton assemblage in a
本文报道了1例3月龄先天性气管软化患儿的诊疗过程。患儿为低出生体重儿,曾因“出生气促1 h”于2018年8月21日入当地妇幼保健院新生儿科,后因“先天性食道闭锁”转诊至深圳市儿童医院普外科,于8月23日在全身麻醉下行食管气管瘘修补+食管吻合术。术后患儿出现呼吸困难和撤呼吸机困难,纤维支气管镜检查提示重度气管软化。经抗感染、抗反流及呼吸支持治疗2个月后,患儿症状缓解,遂出院。之后患儿因“反复出现憋气
Sulfate and nitrate of anthropogenic origin,and major elements such as aluminum of crustal origin are transported from the Asian continent over the North Pa