张工程师最近赶一个工程的图纸,日夜加班,劳累过度。那天上午,当他从桌前站起后突然“昏倒”在地。“张工中风了!”同科室的小芳惊叫起来,王科长闻声赶到,只见他把张工放到平躺的位置,并稍抬高其腿部,说是让血液更多地流向脑部,又掐张工的人中,不到二分钟,张工就苏醒了。王科长对小芳说:“张工是累得昏倒了,并不是昏迷。如果是昏迷的话,就不会这么容易苏醒过来了。” 王科长讲得对,真正的昏迷可不是这么简单。昏迷有深浅之分,浅昏迷的病人对疼痛刺激尚有些肢体躲避或保护动作,对食物、药物甚至
Engineer Zhang recently caught a project drawings, day and night overtime, overwork. That morning, when he stood up from the table suddenly “collapsed” on the ground. “Zhang work stroke!” Xiaofang screams with the department, Mr. Wang heard rushed, I saw him put flat lay position, and slightly raised his leg, that is to make the blood more Zhang flowed to the brain, but also pinch Zhang workers, less than two minutes, Zhang Gong awakened. Chief Wang Xiaofang said: “Zhang workers are tired fainted, not in a coma. If it is unconscious, it will not be so easy to wake up.” Wang Kechang right, the real coma is not so simple . Coma in shades, shallow coma patient stimulation of pain is still some limbs to avoid or protect the movement of food, medicine and even