在西方社会中,开一家书店,似乎总被认为是很浪漫的行径。书店也就很自然地成了西方电影中经常出现的场景,特别是近几年,出现的几部知名西方电影如《电子情书》(You've got mail)、《新娘百分百》(Notting Hill)、《情书》(Love Letters)、《美丽人生》(Life is Beautiful)等,正巧都以书店主人为主角或是以书店为背景。不论它们是虚构的或存在于现实中,我们都能从其间的片段看到一些文化现象或是读出几则故事。书店经营虽然不是获利甚高的行业,在欧美却受到普遍
In western societies, opening a bookstore seems always to be seen as a romantic act. Bookstores have naturally become the scene of Western movies, especially in recent years, several well-known Western film such as “You Love Letter” (You've got mail), “the bride 100%” (Notting Hill, Love Letters, Life is Beautiful, etc., happen to be the main bookstore owner or bookstore as the background. Whether they are fictional or exist in reality, we can all see some cultural phenomena or read a few stories from the intervening fragments. Although the bookstore business is not a profitable industry, it has been widespread in Europe and the United States