50年代以来,东欧各国为摆脱原苏联中央集权型计划管理模式的束缚,先后进行了经济改革。本文就东欧国家收入分配制度改革情况及其后果简述如下: 一、收入分配制度的改革1.在企业纯收入的分配上,企业有愈来愈大的分配自主权,最终能够决定企业留利划分为生产基金和消费基金的比例。南斯拉夫从50年代初实行工人自治制度以来,就逐步实行自治分配管理体制。到60年代,工人在收入分配方面享有充分的自主权,企业有权让工人自主决定和支配全部劳动收
Since the 1950s, all the countries in Eastern Europe have successively carried out economic reforms in order to get rid of the shackles of the centralized management plan of the former Soviet Union. This article on the Eastern European countries income distribution system reform and its consequences are briefly described as follows: First, the income distribution system reform 1 in the distribution of net income, enterprises have more and more allocation of autonomy, and ultimately be able to determine the enterprise retained profits Divided into the proportion of production funds and consumer funds. Since Yugoslavia implemented the worker autonomy system in the early 1950s, it has gradually implemented an autonomous allocation management system. By the 1960s, workers had full autonomy in the distribution of income and enterprises had the right to allow workers to decide and control all their labor