从上世纪末到本世纪初,东西方帝国主义列强先后几次派遣探险队到我国新疆、甘肃河西地区探险考察。他们在这一地区猎取文物,挖掘珍宝,使灿烂辉煌的西域文化遗产遭受了一场空前的洗劫。斯坦因就是探险西域最著名的探险家之一,他在十六年内连续三次带有传奇色彩的探险活动,所记述探察后产生的《报告》对东方学研究具有相当高的参考价值,本文试就斯坦因的西域探察及其著述作一简述。一、斯坦因第一次西域探险及其著述斯坦因(Sir Aurel Stein),1862年11月26
From the end of the last century to the beginning of this century, the imperialist powers of the East and the West dispatched expeditions to explore the Xinjiang and Gansu Provinces and Hexi areas several times in succession. They hunt cultural relics in this area and excavate treasures, so that the splendid Western cultural heritage has suffered an unprecedented looting. Stein is one of the most famous explorers in the Western Regions. He has conducted legendary adventure activities three times in a row for 16 years. The “Report” after the exploration is recorded has a very high reference value for Oriental Studies. A brief account of Stein’s exploration of the Western Regions and his writings. First, Stein’s first Western Expedition and his writings Stein (Sir Aurel Stein), November 26, 1862