药代动力学/药效学结合模型(Pharmacokinetic-pharmacodynamicmodeling,PK/PD modeling)是用于研究药理效应随时间变化规律的一种模型。此模型是一个帮助开发者选择合理给药方案的科学工具,被广泛用于优化抗菌药物的给药方案。本文就PK/PD结合模型的基本理论、研究模型及其在优化抗菌药特别是渔用抗菌药给药方案的应用现状等方面进行综述,阐明了科学制定渔用抗菌药物使用方案的理论依据。
Pharmacokinetic-pharmacodynamic modeling (PK / PD modeling) is a model used to study the pharmacological effects over time. This model is a scientific tool that helps developers choose a rational dosing regimen and is widely used to optimize dosing regimens for antimicrobials. In this paper, the basic theory and research model of PK / PD combined model and its application in optimizing the application of antibacterial drugs, especially the fishery antibacterial drugs, are reviewed in this paper. The theoretical basis for the scientific development of the use of antimicrobial drugs for fishing is clarified.