【摘 要】
As usual the reports are quite compre-hensive.
【出 处】
China’s foreign Trade
As usual the reports are quite compre-hensive.
On March 5, Premier WenJiabao stressed that thegovernment will imple-ment and improve policiesto promote the growth of micro and.
Since the China's NPC and CPPCCsessions 2012 have just concluded, I want togive my view about some of the present prob-lems that concern the immediate future ofChina.
The 5th Ministerial Conference of the Forum on China-Africa Cooperation was held on 19th July in 2012 in Beijing. Foreign ministers and ministers responsible for foreign economic cooperation from Chi
In 2008, the financial tsunami derived fromthe US sub-prime crisis swept the globe andbecame the most severe international eco-nomic crisis since the world war.
During the past year, Sinopec's Maotai spirit scandaland the state-run banks' unreasonable fee collec-tion made reforming the monopolized sectors moredesired.
Proposalson ModeratelyIncreasing Feed GrainImport and Export, andReasonably BalancingImport Quotas (by LiuYonghao)
“It's time for deepening the reform, and we will keep forging ahead reso- lutely”.
The fast-growing Chinese companies have to face fierce challenges ahead in their globalization cause, as the era of easy growth for Chinese companies is coming to a close and multinationals are battli
In recent years, in face of a slowdown in thedomestic and global economy and a remain-ing high cost of labor, raw material andfinancing, more and more Chinese entrepre.