手术、化疗、放疗是医学界公认的治疗癌肿的三把“刀”,殊不知,还有第四把功效卓著、切割癌肿的“刀”——外敷中药疗法。 去年3月,家住法库县三面船乡丁家屯的肺癌患者石风华,来到了沈阳市沈河区的沈阳抗癌止痛研究所,兴冲冲地对医生说:“我能亲自来医院看病取药,真像做梦一样。”她向医生叙述了她的病情:3个月前,我已病卧床上数周,咳嗽不止,呼吸困难,胸水渐多,饮
Surgery, chemotherapy, and radiotherapy are three “knifes” recognized by the medical community for the treatment of cancer. They do not know that there is a fourth “knife” that has excellent efficacy and cuts cancerous lesions -- topical Chinese medicine. In March last year, Shi Fenghua, a lung cancer patient who lives in Dingjiatun, Sanmian Shiping County, Faku County, came to the Institute for Cancer Research and Analgesia in Shenyang, Shenhe District. He excitedly said to the doctor: “I can come to the hospital to see a doctor for treatment. It’s like dreaming.” She told the doctor about her condition: 3 months ago, I was sick for several weeks in bed, coughing, breathing difficulties, getting more pleural effusion, drinking