Remote real-time monitoring soil water potential system based on GSM

来源 :新疆农业科学 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:hlly369
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Aiming at the limitation of traditional measuring soil water potential, the paper presents an information system based GSM to real-time monitor data coming from multiple data sources. The monitoring system, which consisted of monitoring center, GSM transmission channel and data detection terminal, was given. The detection terminal included the measuring station and TS-2 negative pressure meter, which was applied to measure soil water potential. Nowadays the system has been successfully applied to drip irrigation in the cotton field on farm in Xinjiang region. The system provides a feasible technology frame-work for collecting and processing wide geographical distribution data in farmland. Aiming at the limitation of traditional measuring soil water potential, the paper presents an information system based on GSM to real-time monitor data coming from multiple data sources. The monitoring system, which consisted of monitoring center, GSM transmission channel and data detection terminal, was The detection terminal included the measuring station and TS-2 negative pressure meter, which was applied to measure soil water potential. Nowadays the system has been successfully applied to drip irrigation in the cotton field on farm in Xinjiang region. The system provides a feasible technology frame-work for collecting and processing wide geographical distribution data in farmland.
作文聊天吧主持人:大家好!今天我们的聊天室来了两位老师和一名同学。欢迎大家!今天的话题是作文如何写出真情实感,欢迎各位畅所欲言,各抒己见!  余运华老师:情感真实是中考作文的重要评分标准之一,真实为文,倾情而作,读之如品佳酿,甘美醇厚,回味无穷。然而有许多同学作文总是内容虚假,情感造作,描写不实,叙述平淡。  刘龙波老师:颇有同感!其实生活是写作的源泉,情感从生活中来,自然、社会、人生都是写作的沃
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